ChristCentral Web
Job Listings

Families Director - Lifespring (Horsham)Responsible for the leadership of family ministry teams (0-18) at Lifespring.

This includes overseeing, encouraging and supporting ministry heads in the building and development of the various Kids, Youth and Parenting teams at Lifespring. A key element to this role is serving, envisioning and releasing our various Family teams to work together in seeing Lifespring’s mission, vision and value and culture outworked across families at Lifespring. To find out more click here.

If you have a job which you would like to advertise on this page please email a short description of the role and links to full details, we can then include them here. Email: info@christcentralchurches.org

This won't be an exhaustive list and we cannot guarantee that all jobs available will be posted here but we will endevour to post roles which we receive that we think will be of interest to our family of churches.