Who we are

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ChristCentral is a family of churches served by an apostolic team led by Jeremy Simpkins. This team works with over 275 churches in more than 25 nations and is part of the wider Newfrontiers family. We carry the prophetic call that ‘we can do more together than apart’ and are now serving many churches & church plants in various parts of the world.
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School of Leadership

This is a two-year course for anyone who is called to some form of leadership in the church or in the wider world. The School of Leadership gives you a solid grounding in biblical theology, a deeper understanding of church history, time to consider leadership issues and an opportunity to grow in your personal calling.

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School of Leadership - International Bases

Our School of Leadership course now has established international bases in both North America and Africa. These bases use the videos which are recorded at our UK base in Sheffield. We hope to be able to open up more locations in the future - watch this space! School of Leadership is a two-year course for anyone who is called to some form of leadership in the church or in the wider world.

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School of Leadership PLUS

A resource for church leaders and others involved in the key issues of the Church and it’s mission. School of Leadership PLUS is a series of two day training events taking place in Sheffield in association with the School of Leadership.

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Into The Word

Our heart is to create courses, which serve a wide variety of people. This ten-session course will help those enrolled get to grips with the narrative, themes and literature of the whole Bible. This course is for leaders and all who want a chance to look deeper into God’s word, to make us more effective in our Christian lives.

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ID - Intentional Discipleship

ID is a year-long church internship program designed to help you walk with Jesus into the adventures that he has for you.

Over the course of the year you'll be immersed in the life and mission of a local church, where you can serve in a wide variety of exciting ministries and be lovingly discipled. We also expose you to exciting missional opportunities with Newfrontiers churches both in the UK and abroad. ID is run in conjunction with Relational Mission.

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Church Planting Training

We believe God has called us as a family of churches to play our part in seeing the fulfilment of prophetic promises to see 1,000 new churches planted in the UK. To do this we need to train church planters & church planting teams.

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